Get 4 boxers for $100 with code MAGICPANTS - Get 4 Vinyl stickers for $20 with code STICKY
For the love of the North

Gifts showcasing the beauty of the Yukon

About Us

North Stone Gifts is a family run business, run by a passionate photographer and Yukon resident Charun Stone. A love for these great northern lands has inspired the products showcased here, all imagery used in the products are from photographs taken by Charun on her many adventures exploring the Yukon. We hope that you will find inspiration to explore the beauty and magic of nature through our merchandise. Stay tuned as we add more to our line up, new items and designs are on the way! Wholesale orders are available upon request. For the love of the north!

Contact Us

The online store is available 24 hours a day, but we also do local deliveries in Whitehorse. Catch us at farmers markets and varying craft fairs as well! events will be posted on our social media accounts.
Local orders can be delivered
at Whitehorse, Yukon
Get directions
Open hours
Online orders 24 hours Local delivery Mon - Fri Daily 12:00 PM — 7:00 PM